Leadership Opportunities

Lead Chairperson

Chairpersons are responsible to help organize speakers and vendors for the conference. They must assist in reviewing projects and provide an appropriate list of deficiencies. Chairpersons correspond and work as liaison for Task Force projects.

Chairpersons also vote on NFSTF matters, assist the Lead Chairperson in posting meeting agenda, and provide a summary report at each meeting. 

The Lead Chairperson is responsible for facilitating regular and special meetings, develop agendas for all regular and special meetings in accordance with the Open Meeting Law, Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Chapter 241. The Lead Chairperson also works as a liaison for committee projects.

Board Member Interest Card

Past Lead Chairperson

The Past Lead Chairperson executes all duties of the Lead Chairperson in the absence of the Lead Chairperson. This position also acts as an advisor to the Lead Chairperson and assumes duties as designated by the Lead Chairperson.


The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of each meeting of the Task Force, conduct correspondence for the Task Force, and issue such notices as may be directed to/by the Chairpersons. The Secretary shall maintain “roll call” record of all people attending a meeting.

The Secretary and Treasurer will share the duties of maintaining the membership directory and maintaining and updating the website.


The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Task Force and make
disbursements with approval of the Chairpersons. They shall make financial reports to the Task Force at each meeting.

The Treasurer shall assist the Board with the submittal of grant applications, acquiring of grants, and reporting and documentation on received grants, such as those with the FDA.

The Secretary and Treasurer will share the duties of maintaining the membership directory and maintaining and updating the website.


Academia, Retail Food, Institutional Food, Agriculture, Educational Outreach, Manufacturing, and Regulatory Chairpersons

Chairpersons attend internal NFSTF Board meetings, to hear and vote and Task Force matters. Chairpersons are liaisons for Task Force projects, promoting and enhancing the organization’s work and mission. They help facility and review Task Force projects and provide summary reports at each meeting. Chairpersons help organize the annual conference and other events, by securing and organizing speaker and vendors.

Open Chair Positions:


Educational Outreach

Institutional Food – Retail food service direct to the consumer from a large institution such as a school, prison, commissary, or other bulk food operator.